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Approaching Steady-State Atmospheric Methane in the Anthropocene

  • News
  • February 22, 2025

Approaching Steady-State Atmospheric Methane in the Anthropocene

December 15-20, 2025
Honolulu, Hawaii

The current atmospheric concentration of methane exceeds 2.00 ppm and is increasing faster than at any time since record keeping began in the 1980s. Approximately 40% of the post-industrial revolution global warming (radiative forcing) can be ascribed to methane. Natural gas (methane) and liquified natural gas (LNG) are useful fuels and chemical feedstocks and easily transported via an established infrastructure. The 2025 market value of methane and LNG is projected to be US$120B and grow at least 10% per year. Methane’s savior is its mean atmospheric lifetime, ~10 years, and can provide a near-term opportunity to mitigate global warming. Unfortunately, the atmospheric lifetime of methane appears to be increasing, due to loss of hydroxyl radicals and other species in methane destruction reactions. Human activity contributes to the imbalance between natural sources and sinks. This symposium includes methane sources and sinks, measurement, control, and use technology, climate modeling, regulatory impacts, and market supply and demand.


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More information on 1) indoor air quality, 2) methane, 3) carbon dioxide, 4) misleading information, and 5) SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 Resources.