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Joseph E. Sabol, PhD




Joseph Sabol, PhD, Principal-Consultant, is a chemist and chemical engineer, a problem solver to clients in the chemical and related sectors. Research and development, analytical and physical chemistry, chemical synthesis & analysis, physical properties, manufacturing, thermodynamics, ionic equilibria and activity, materials science, corrosion/etching of metals, oxides, semiconductors, polymers & adhesives, chemical hygiene & safety, and regulatory compliance to start-ups, small, and growing chemical businesses. 35+ years experience as a chemical consultant.

1) Understand the chemical composition of your systems;

2) Apply fundamental principles through a broad perspective;

3) Develop viable solutions to addresss your problems;

4) Plan a strategic, proactive direction for the future, helping you understand your "chemistry."

Sectors include semiconductor cleaning and etching; metal oxide single crystals; adhesives, polymers and coatings; chemical analysis; chemical engineering, materials preparation and properties; ionic activity, equilibria, pH control; pulp and paper; pharmaceutical formulation; food processing; chemical hygiene, safety, regulatory compliance.


Joseph Sabol, PhD, Chemical Consultant

More information on 1) indoor air quality, 2) methane, 3) carbon dioxide, 4) misleading information, and 5) SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 Resources.