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Trusted Scientific Information for Public Policy

  • News
  • September 26, 2024

Trusted Scientific Information for Public Policy

Division of Chemical Information (CINF) 

American Chemical Society
ACS Spring 2025
San Diego, California
March 23-27, 2025

Description: Trusted Scientific Information for Public Policy

Reliable information is crucial for effective public policy discussion and decision-making. Policymakers need accurate, transparent, and trustworthy information to make good decisions and allocate resources that effectively address societal issues. Public trust and accountability are enhanced when evidence is used, not assumptions, bias, or speculation. Problem identification and framing can define issues and avoid or mitigate unintended consequences. When all stakeholders have access to the same reliable information and a voice in the discussion, the results are easier accepted by all. This symposium has speakers who will share their best practices in providing reliable information to the public.

See, ACS SPRING 2025

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