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American Chemical Society Fall 2023 (CINF)

  • News
  • July 30, 2023

American Chemical Society National Meeting Fall 2023
San Francisco, August 13-17, 2023
Division of Chemical Information (CINF)

Combating Science Mis- and Dis-Information

Incorrect information in science literature is not new, but review mechanisms, corrections, and retractions occur. The recent proliferation of “news sites” proffering original content and aggregations and social media have released, in real time, a fire hose of information, some being properly classified as “fake news.” Public receipt of scientific mis- and dis-information is growing. This session brings expertise in elements of information science as applied in library acquisition and archives, health and COVID, climate, and green chemistry and sustainability. How and why persons become and remain mis-informed about scientific issues, essentially confused, and worse, susceptible to additional disinformation, i.e., intentional misunderstanding. Social media, via the internet, plays a big part in peer-group behavior. How to recognize mis- and dis-information and become motivated to quash falsehoods. The overarching goal is to educate attendees with viable methodology, so that they can share with members of their scientific and social community and take action to address the erroneous information and correct the record in the public space.

ACS Fall 2023

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More information on 1) indoor air quality, 2) methane, 3) carbon dioxide, 4) misleading information, and 5) SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 Resources.