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Sustainable Systems for Industrial Chemicals and Materials at GC&EC 2022

Sustainable Systems for Industrial Chemicals and Materials

Monday 06 June 2022

This symposium brings together diverse approaches on viable, scale-able industrial processes that can make chemicals, fuels, and industrial materials more efficiently and with reduced energy use. Broad approaches and cross-pollination between scientists and engineers will highlight topics around 1) reduction/elimination of raw materials derived from underground coal, oil, and gas sources; 2) synthesis of chemicals, including hydrogen, from renewable sources, e.g., solar capture, plant-based, algae; 3) increases in chemical reactor efficiency and active capture of by-products, including carbon dioxide capture and re-use; 4) direct use of solar energy in chemical synthesis processes; and 5) insight into the techno-economic analysis of chemical and energy inventories, regulatory challenges and incentives, and market forces.

26th Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference (GC&E) 6-8 June 2022, Reston, Virginia USA.



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