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Joseph Sabol was quoted in Physics Today

  • News
  • April 20, 2021

From the APS March Meeting, Joseph Sabol was quoted in Physics Today: 5 Apr 2021 in Commentary & Reviews, "Physicists gathered virtually for APS March Meeting . . . The largest physics conference in the world went virtual in 2021, to a mixed but generally favorable reception." . . . "Joe Sabol, a consultant in Racine, Wisconsin, agrees. “This opens up the possibility of a speaker attending virtually, which will be a great benefit to combating climate change,” he says. Sabol also thinks the March Meeting was probably the first virtual conference for many of the attendees, and that once more people become familiar with the technology, in-person conversations might be replicated online."  

Here is the link to the full article, free and not behind paywall Physics Today

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