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Bonding the Chemical Enterprise with Decarbonization at ACS San Diego

  • News
  • January 23, 2022

Joseph Sabol is organizer for Bonding the Chemical Enterprise with Decarbonization, at American Chemical National Meeting, Division of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (I&EC), scheduled for San Diego, 21 March 2022. 

ACS I&EC Symposia

United Nations IPCC benchmark goals for greenhouse gas emission by 2030 and 2050 are looming. The chemicals and materials industries must adapt and mitigate CO2, CH4, N2O, and other greenhouse gas emission. Some practices and technologies are readily available and others need to be developed: innovative, efficient, sustainable, non-emitting energy use and recovery technology in chemical operations. Presentations will address advances in sustainable chemical, materials, and energy use. This session is aligned with UN Sustainability Goals: 7) Affordable and Clean Energy; 9) Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure; and 13) Climate Action.

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